The following details my primary leg workout from this past Saturday.  Gold’s Gym in Kirkland was laying new rubber flooring and the toxic fumes were too much so Christina and I ended up over at Eastside Gym in Redmond.  I had to get a little creative based on how my coach, John Meadows, programed the workout.  Here is what it included…


Superset: Standing Leg Curls & Leg Press


Perform a few warm-ups on leg curls before beginning the superset listed below.  Eastside doesn’t have a standing leg curl, but I was able to perform them on the leg extension machine and they felt pretty good.  See the video below for the set-up.


Standing Leg Curls (alternating) x 8 reps with 65lbs

Superset with…

Leg Press x 10 reps with 1 plate/side up to 10 plates/side


*The key here is to alternate legs on the standing leg curls until you hit 8 reps with each leg.  This should be somewhat hard, but not to failure because there’s a ton of sets for hamstrings today.  Immediately go to leg press and perform 10 reps.  Every time you repeat the superset add a plate to the leg press until you hit a very difficult set of 10.  For me this was 10 plates.


Here is a video of set number 8:




Superset: Magnum Squats & Lying Leg Curls


John used a machine called a TruSquat, but very few gyms have it.  I used the Magnum Squat Machine at Eastside Gym, which felt okay on my lower back.


Magnum Squats x 8 reps with 2 plates

Superset with…

Lying Leg Curls x 100lbs


*Ideally you will use something that supports your back for the squat movement, such as a hack squat machine.  Also, use a weight in which you can do perfect reps on the leg curls.  Perform the superset for 4 rounds.


Here is a video:




Superset: Leg Extensions & Goblet Squats


John called for sissy squats on the second movement, but they bother my knees so I opted for Goblet Squats with a kettlebell.


Leg Extensions x 10 reps with 220lbs

Superset with…

Goblet Squats x 15 reps with 60lb kettlebell


*Dorsiflex your foot on the extensions to nail your upper quad and use a narrow foot placement on the goblet squats.  Perform the superset for 3 rounds.


Walking Lunges


John didn’t call for this exercise – FYI.


Set 1 x 30 yards with bodyweight only

Set 2 x 30 yards with bodyweight only


*I love finishing with these primarily for the stretch.  Take long strides and pause for a 2 second count at the bottom on each step.


That concluded this primary leg workout.


Train hard!
