Sat, 7 Apr 18

Events @ the Unit

Log Clean & Jerk (clean once)

complex x 85

complex x 135

complex x 175







I haven't been hitting the log regularly the last couple months and despite feeling rusty today things went pretty well except I kept being off balance forward variously on the clean, the rack position, the jerk, or lowering it back down.

Farmer's Walk (turn @ 50')

100' x 110

100' x 220

100' x 260

100' x 280

My turns were not great, but the weights were easy.  Also, it was cold enough outside during training today that I lost feeling in my nose and on the return trip with 260, I suddenly got a massive outflow of snot from my nose right down into my teeth, as you can hear from the video.

Atlas Stones to 54"




3x1x300 - I tacked up for this today.  First time doing a heavier stone to a decent height in a while.  I've done heavier stones recently, but only to 48" or 49".  Time to start getting back to heavy loads to high heights.

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