Wed, 7 Mar 18
Upper Assistance
I was studying all day for a musculoskeletal practical on spinal mobilizations and manipulations and wasn't able to train at my normal Wednesday time. By the time I got home in the afternoon, my back was feeling all kinds of out of whack so I opted to postpone my primary lower body day until tomorrow and do the assistance work I missed from Monday's training.
Low Incline Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns
I was playing around with some ideas about different variations of lat pulldowns I could do in my garage gym with the Spud Inc. pulleys and this one was the winner. I like it because it lets me focus more on working my lats and less on maintaining a good body position (minimizing hyperextension, lateral lean, crunching forward, internally rotating shoulders, etc), while also providing a tactile cue of having something to press my low back against when bracing. The exaggerated shoulder depression to start the movement is maintained throughout the range of motion to add more work to stabilizing the shoulder girdle and is something I use most of the time for vertical pulling exercises, both pulldowns and pullups.
Lateral Raises/Head Supported Reverse Flys
Really looking forward to shorter sets starting in my next training block. I've never been a fan of anything over about 8 reps.
Axle Curls/Single Arm OH DB Triceps Press
15x70/20ea x 20
2x{15x70/20ea x 25}