

  • Bar x 20 x 2
  • 135 x 10 x 2
  • 225 x 5
  • 275 x 5
  • 315 x 5
  • 365 x 3
  • 405 x 5 x 3

Band Pull-Thru

  • heavy band x 10 x 4


  • Heavy Band x 10 x 4

Standing Ab Work

  • 160 x 10 x 4

Grip Work - Static Hold w/ BB - alternating hands

  • 105 x as long as possible x 4

I'm still not deadlifting due to the issue with my back. Squatting only hurts when I get out from under the bar, but pulling hurts throughout. Oddly enough, RDL's don't hurt much either....weird.


My daughter, Meredith, is getting her wisdom teeth removed tomorrow so I won't be training and will have to push it back to Saturday. I'll be home taking care of her and recording it in hopes she says something silly while under anesthesia so I can use it as blackmail down the road.