*treadmill - 10 minutes


  • 135 x 10 x 2
  • 225 x 5
  • 315 x 3
  • 405 x 1
  • 495 x 1
  • 545 x 3
  • 585 x 3


  • BW x 12 x 4

Standing Abs

  • 170 x 10 x 4

Today was my once a month deadlifitng day and it turned out much better than I anticipated. While the back did hurt doing this it wasn't enough pain to keep me from pulling a PR triple with 585. It hurt like a bitch after I put the bar down on the last rep, but a couple minutes later I was all good.

I've also contacted a couple of PT's, with the help of my buddy Brent, to get some help with my SI joint to see if I can alleviate some of the pain I'm dealing with or get rid of it all together.
