

  • bar x 10 x 2
  • 145 x 8
  • 235 x 5
  • 325 x 3
  • 325 x 2 - added 40 in chain
  • 415 x 1
  • 505 x 2 - added 80 in chain and Ace briefs
  • 595 x 1 - added 120 in chain
  • 685 x 1 - added 160 in chain
  • 755 x 1 - added 200 in chain
  • 775 x 1

I know some of you are wondering what I'm doing so I'll shed some light on it. On April 23rd I will be in Miami, Florida with a lot of other lifters (Billy Tutko, Jon Shackelford, Daniel Tinajero, Matt Minnuth, Chris Dela Fave, Ashley Cooper, Shelly Cannon, etc.) for the grand opening of Iron Addicts Gym. We will all be lifting and answering questions if you have them so if you happen to be in the area please stop by and take part.


iron addicts