After my "main training" days that are both upper and lower days, they are followed by two lighter accessory days to get a nice pump as well as move some blood around. I've also been incorporating more cardio into my routines. Nothing too crazy, but just something to get my heart beating more than just walking up the stairs. Being in the academy has definitely improved my aerobic capacity, so I'm trying to keep that up.
Upper Accessory
A. DB Incline
85lbs 4x15
B. Machine Close Grip
C. Light DB Overhead Press
45lb DBs 4x15
D. Tricep Rope Pushdowns
E. Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns
F. Reverse Barbell Curls
Cardio: 5 rounds of farmers walks with 180lbs. Grip was pretty shot from the academy the day before from axe and sledge swings. Kept it light and short.
Lower Accessory
A. Leg Press
5x10 with 10 Plates - Slow eccentric, explosive concentric
B1. Leg Extension
B2. Leg Curls
C. Smith Machine High Pulls
D. Band Walks (Tripled Mini Band around knees)
3 Rounds
Forward x 20
Sides x 10
Reverse x 20
E. Leg Raises
F. Planks
4 30 second rounds