After sustaining multiple low back issues the past year, I'm now focusing on being a bench press specialist for the next year or so (both raw and equipped). I'm currently in meet prep for the 2018 XPC Bench Bash on the main stage at the Arnold Expo in Columbus, OH. I'll be competing at 132 in multi-ply on Sunday, March 4th, 2018.
For programming and coaching inquires, please email or visit
On this Friday evening I got in some solid leg work before eating dinner and calling it an evening. It wasn't anything too crazy, but man it was a tough session that I didn't really expect to see coming. But my glutes got fried and I felt that I made some good strides in feeling better and making the progress that I wanted, so there's that.
I also realize I'm SUPER behind on my training logs, as I've had way more personal stuff go on than I saw coming. Hopefully I can get things caught up here soon enough!
Items Used in this Training Session
SS Yoke Bar
Warm Up
Soft Tissue Work - Glutes, Hamstrings, TFL, Quads, Calves
Hip Flexor Stretch - 30 sec per leg
Leg Lowering 1 - 10 per leg
Leg Swings (forward and side to side) - 10 per leg
Alternating Lunges - 10 per leg
Single Leg RDL - 10 per leg
Bulgarian Split Squat - 10 per leg
Lateral Lunges - 10 per leg
Hanging Knee Raises - 15
A1) SSB FFE Reverse Lunges
3x10 per leg
B1) Seated SSB Good Mornings
C1) Wtd GHR (Elevated)
D1) Strict Reverse Hyper
E1) Wtd Deadbugs
3x10 per side
E2) Single Leg Reverse Hypers
3x15, left leg only