After having a year away from the platform and a terrible showing at the 2018 XPC Bench Bash, I'm gearing back up for a multiply bench only competition, the APF Pressing the Pieces Together on April 27th, 2019. This meet helps bring awareness and charity donations for Autism Awareness. I'm looking to compete at 132lbs and just have a good meet back, while running my new gym, THIRST, and rehabbing my low back issues.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email or visit

This max effort Saturday was all about keeping some real good weight in my hands and getting some strain moving forward. I knew I wanted to have another big heavy week following this, where I focus on dialing in my attempts a little bit, so I figured this would be a good way to segway into that. As such, I did some supplemental work to get some more volume in for that area, and then some full range DB pressing that was a bit on the lighter side of things. Overall, it wasn't a bad day of training.

I also now have a donation link available for donations towards Autism Awareness for this meet. If you have the time, any monetary donation would be greatly appreciated towards a great cause, thanks to Eric Stone and the APF.

You can donate HERE.

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Items Used in this Training Session

Warm Up
Lateral Raises
DB Overhead Press
Rear Delt Raises
DB Bench Press
DB Flys
DB Skull Crushers
DB Rows
DB Curls
15 each

A1) Reverse Light Band Shoulder Saver Bench Press
Worked up to 400x1

B1) Bench Press Red Shoulder Saver vs 2 Chains Per Side
Worked up to good set of 8 (forgot to write down the weight)

C1) Neutral Grip DB Bench Press

D1) Seated Dip Machine

E1) Pressdowns
E2) Reverse Pec Dec