On Memorial Day our Powerlifitng squad all came in at 10-1130am.  The group was great.  Everyone was in a mission.  We had a few lifters stand out.  We hit deadlifts off 2mats.  Everyone went raw for doubles.  Kristin 435 (275lber), Chelsea 385 (148lber), Aaron 655 (198lber), Ashley 335 (198lber), Kayla 335 (132lber), Ryan 500 (181lber), Abby 335 (148lber).  We had a few others hit great numbers also.  Having this group of 10+ was great very motivation to watch.  Really was hard not to step up.  Just got a few more weeks.  The group after hit specific exercises to benefit and compliment the deadlift.  Today on tues the group worked on bench assistance movements.  Just enough to get some blood flow but not too much to negatively effect Friday's heavy upper.  The meet June 20th is just around the corner for these guys cannot wait to see everyone in action.  For most it will be there first or second meet.

On a on a side note I recived some great news that a old coach friend of mine just took a tier 2 hockey 16youth program over.  Cannot wait to get involved with this hockey organization.  The athletes are all there to get better and win.  Nothing like having like minded athletes that want to train and are not forced or going through the motions.