Thursday we did a short and sweet speed squat against chains (60%on bar+190-240 Chains depending on height of lifter) 5x2. We then did some hamstring work then pulled sleds.  Everyone's squats looked fast as they should.  Wanted to get under the bar without killing us for Friday bench day.

Friday we worked up to a 3 rep heavy bench.  Everything needed to be on point (grip, arch, set-up, etc).  This is the last time we do any triples before the meet.  Kristin hit a PR of 145x3 with some left in the tank.  Chelsea hit a PR of 190lbsx3.  Once she gets past the mental game skies the limit.  She can be one of the best 148lb female raw lifters in the game.  Kayla hit 175x3 at 5:30am Friday morning.  Kayla is a great lifter and should have a 950lb total at 132lbs in a few weeks.  Aaron/Ryan/Christine all had ok days but didn't get triples on their top set.  I always try to stress to the lifter to stay with the plan.  But some of them let their egos get in the way and always kinda do their own thing rep wise. Ashely and Abby have been steadily improving week in and week out.  Both should have around 800lb totals at the meet.  Jim is our 198lber and strong.  This will be his second meet and he is on track to have a big day.  Sam our 259lb geared lifter is working a lot and having a heck of a time getting in and lifting with the crew.  Lifting geared I know first hand how tough this is.

Overall a pretty good week for us at TTF.  Our other groups that lift with Coach Randy and Coach Ed are looking solid also.

I am starting to get the collegiate summer crew back in training for the summer months.  I love this time of year as everyone who comes in is here to do work.  Makes my job easy.