I am not 4 weeks out from competition. 4 weeks marks my transition into my shirted board work descending in boards till touch. I like to touch my opener frequently in these last four weeks. I also like to follow up with 4bd lockout work. My goal is to handle around the weights I want on my third attempt. Raw bench felt very strong on this night and I also was a lot more aggressive in my shirt which is always a big plus for me.
Shirted bench
DB's 4 sets of 30
*I used to try and do all this different mobility stuff with my shoulders, triceps, and all things related to bench to prepare for bench. I have found just doing the movement itself with little or even no weight for very high reps gets me warmed up much for efficiently
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Metal prototype shirt
550x1 3bd
590x1 2bd
640x1 1bd
670x1 touch
4bd lockout
On my ME shirt nights from four weeks out and on I am usually done for the night after my shirt work. I use my DE bench day on Monday to really focus on my accessory work. Seems to be working so far. Huge thank you to my team for always getting me through my work outs