Saturday 08.10.19

I decided this morning that if things were feeling good I would push things a little and get some weight on my back. A friend of mine text me a couple of weeks ago about how heavy of a squat I've taken recently and I realized the heaviest I've gone since December is about 80%. I don't believe that an experienced powerlifter needs to go heavy that often but not going over 80% in 8 months might have allowed my nervous system to become unfamiliar with heavier poundages.  This is how things broke down....

box squats - box set 1" above parallel

worked up to 420 doing triples raw

put on Metal Ace briefs

continued doing triples to 780

added reverse light bands - bands are set so there is zero band tension at the top. I do this so I know exactly how much weight is on my back and so that the bands are not providing any stabilization of the weight on the pick.

850 for a single

900 for a single

both singles moved well and I'm happy with this session. The 900 moved a bit slower than Dave would have liked to see as the bands deloaded so the focus for the next while will be strengthening my mid-back.


Sunday 08.11.19

barbell bench

worked up to 315 doing triples

added 2 chains per side for 4 singles

315 plus 2 chains per side for 1 double

315 plus 2 chains per side for 1 triple

315 straight weight for a single


JM press with SS Yoke bar

225 for 1 set of 8 reps

225 for 4 sets of 10 reps


barbell rows

225 for 4 sets of 10 reps


shoulder fly machine

130 for 3 sets of 20 reps
