Raw deadlifting? I have completely forgot what in the hell that is. On my non geared weeks I will be pulling raw on the first half of this training cycle. Next week I will pull in gear, then the next week I will pull raw and so forth.

This training cycle has started out really well for everybody. So far everybody is killing it like I knew that they would and the excitement of the upcoming meet is in the back of everyone's mind. We will have several lifters competing in March, multiply and raw. As a coach I am very excited about the diversity that we are bringing to this meet. We will have guys lifting raw, guys lifting in multiply, girls lifting raw, girls lifting in multiply and hopefully one or two first timers who will be doing their very first powerlifting meet, raw of course.

Raw Deadlifts

4" Inch Blocks used on all sets

1 x 135 - 1
1 x 225 - 1
1 x 315 - 1
1 x 405 - 1
1 x 420 - 2
1 x 420 - 2
1 x 420 - 2
1 x 420 - 2

Super Squat

3 x 10

Leg Curls

3 x 10

BB Shrugs

5 x 50

Standing Calf Raises

5 x 20
