Tonight was supposed to be my first night using our reverse band gantry for deadlifts but we had a special guest make an appearance tonight, my wife's daughter Bethany. We were very excited to have her presence there tonight and join in and train with the family. I wanted to spend some extra time with her tonight teaching her how to spot, load and do some squatting herself. I always enjoy teaching and helping new lifters when they start in our gym. I enjoyed this even more because this is my step daughter.

After the girls got through squatting I had Melissa and the other girls help her do her accessory work, learning proper form and the purpose for the exercises they were doing tonight. For myself I just done a ton of volume, a tons of stretching and rehab and just enjoyed the night as a whole. Spending time with my family and just having a great night.

Plus all of you know how much I hate deadlifting so missing tonight's pulls did not bother me one bit LOL!....

Rev Hyper

5 x 10

MAG Bar Lat Pulldowns

4 x 10

Leg Ext

8 x 25

Leg Curls

4 x 10

Leg Press

5 x 10
