I'm currently training for the 2019 USPA Nationals in Columbus, Ohio. After dropping a couple weight classes, this meet will be second showing at 198 and real return to raw powerlifting after a couple years wearing gear. 

Just cruising into the meet now!

Training this week is light and easy. Typically I will do 3-4 sessions. 2 of them actually incorporate the competition lifts to "grease the groove." I did a short squat and deadlift session on Sunday evening, very light and included some lower body pump work.

The other 1-2 sessions are focused on blood flow and burning up glycogen stores to aid in making weight. I put in some work last night and did an upper back and arm focused session at the local Powerhouse Gym. A bunch of machine rows at various angles, some rope pressdowns and reverse curls. Finished up with some steady state cardio. Everything was kept very light, just enough to sweat and get my heart rate up.

Weight Cut

So far so good. I started at 213 on Saturday and am down to 208 on Tuesday morning. First couple steps for me are always a water load and cutting out carbs. Very easy and doesn't seem to stress my body too much. Being only 10 pounds over on Tuesday (Friday AM weigh in) gives me good confidence that this won't be too painful. A little luck and I won't spend much time in the sauna at all.

Last minute body work

I feel great and recovering well. I had a chiro appointment this morning just in case and kept it. Vince commented that it was the least eventful session he has ever had with me (thankfully!). A little clean up work on the left lat and right forearm, but nothing that mattered too much.

While Vince isn't a powerlifter, he is an athlete and treats a lot of athletes. I appreciate that he understands what I am doing and knows how aggressive, or not, to be based on where I am at in training.

Overall feel really good and ready to head to Columbus on Thursday.
