Two meet write ups in one year...I think this may be a record.
The day started off great since I actually got some sleep and went to Waffle House for breakfast, but since my appetite is normally crap on meet day I only ate a sausage, egg and cheese sammich, but it was a great sammich.
We got to the meet around 9 to find out there would be 2 flights of approximately 30 lifters so we knew we were in for a long day. I tried to take my time getting warmed up but did put my briefs on earlier than normal just in case the flights moved along faster than expected. All of my warm ups were controlled and speedy and I was excited that my elbow, shoulder and back weren't hurting at all which is not normally the case. I finished my last warm up set at 875 and then waited for my name to be called for my opener of 955.
My name gets called and I make my way to the platform nervous as hell since this is the heaviest I've ever opened. Unracking the weight I knew I was good to go. I sit back and make my descent, hear the up call and move the weight as fast as I think I may have ever moved a weight before. Lift was good so we move to 1010 for a 7 pound PR. This time the descent was a little off and I got squirrely in the hole, but was able to stand up with it to finally hit a PR in the squat after 7 years. Neal took me to 1030 for my third which should have been a cake walk, but I couldn't get right under the bar and had to reset 2-3 times, before I unracked it and even then the bar rolled on me. As I started down I could feel my hips shifting back and forth and by the time I got to the bottom I lost control of it and my hips shot back and I was buried. Thankfully the spotters were there to save me.
Moving on to bench.
When I started warming up for bench things began to feel "off" and my left shoulder didn't feel right either. The weight was moving fine and there wasn't any pain, but things had seemed to slow least to me. We put the shirt on and did a couple of sets to boards stopping at 565 with 640, being my opener. Again, this is the heaviest I've opened on bench so I was a little nervous. I was a little shaky on the handoff, but took the bar down and got stable, touched where I needed to and pressed it up. It wasn't fast, but it was smooth. Neal took me to 655 for a 5 pound PR and I second guessed him because I wanted more, but he was right in his choice. We pulled the collar down a little more and went to it. The descent was okay, but still a little wobbly. I pressed and had to get under the bar because it was moving too slow for comfort. At the top my right right arm stalled and I had to get my elbow to rotate some to lock it out, but it finally came through. Bert made sure to make me hold it until I had done so. You can see him telling me why he made me hold it and I appreciate him doing so. Neal took me to 675 for my 3rd so we twisted my sleeves to help more at lockout and pulled the collar some more too. I was able to touch easier than expected and it shot off my chest/belly, but I couldn't catch up to it since I have a horrible habit of rolling my wrists at the bottom which puts me in a crappy position on the press. If I don't roll my wrists back under the bar quick enough then it dumps on my face like you can see in the video. This is something I need to fix.
On to the deadlift!
I never really have to warm-up much for the pull. I put my briefs for 225 and 315. Suit went on for 405, 505 and 565 with my opener being 655. However, I asked Neal to move my opener to 665 since that would give me a total PR so he reluctantly did so. He admitted later that it made him nervous to do it since my back had been a question mark the week leading up to the meet. I think it was good call since it was an "easy" pull and took some of the stress off of what I wanted to do. We went straight to 700 which seemed to move quick too, but I felt the bar roll a little in my left hand at the top. In the back we discussed back and forth what to do for my 3rd. 725 would give me a deadlift PR, but 735 would do that too and give me a 2400 total. After some discussion between Neal, Schwab, Stephen and myself we decided on 735. Walking to the bar I knew I could pull this and I was psyched to do so. I grabbed the bar and really tried to dig my hands in and grip really hard. The bar moved really well and I was almost locked out when I felt my grip start to give. It began to peal and I did all I could to not let go, but I couldn't stop it. It popped loose...I was so close. I don't regret the decision and know what I need to work on for the XPC meet in March.
I ended with a 2365 total which is a 40# PR and made my day complete. So 3 PR's and I went home relatively injury free.
I want to thank Neal Cotton for being a great training partner, handler and friend. He helped keep me motivated for this meet as well as managed me like a champ at the meet. He made sound attempt choices and kept me calm when I was getting irritated and impatient. To Sam Wahnish, Johm Stearns and all the other guys and gals from Team OBB...Thank you for your help during this training cycle, it was greatly appreciated. All of my EliteFTS teammates...thank you for the motivation. Seeing all of you perform well and continue to push yourselves to get better and to help others keeps my love for this sports strong.
Thank you Bert and Mindy Underwood for taking the time to put on this meet. I know it's not easy, but if you keep doing meets they'll get better and better every time and we'll keep coming back.
To the spotters/loaders...great job! You all saved me three times and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I know first hand how hard it is to do what you do and it does not go unseen.