The following details my back and biceps workout from this past Monday at Kirkland Gold’s Gym. I had to get my daughter to a school function so I knocked out this training session in less than an hour, but wow did it ever destroy my back! Here is the workout...
Back Circuit: MAG Pulldowns - MAG Seated Pulley Rows - Cable Pullovers
I used this MAG Medium Neutral Grip attachement for the pulldowns:
I used this MAG Close Grip Supinate attachement for the pulley rows:
I did a couple warm-up sets first - FYI.
MAG Medium Neutral Grip Pulldowns x 8 reps with 140lbs
Immediately followed by…
MAG Close Grip Supinate x 8 reps with 160lbs
Immediately followed by…
Cable Pullovers x 8 reps with 90lbs
Immediately repeat…
*I used the MAG attachments because they don’t require lifting straps and therefore I can move quickly between exercises. After the pullovers (3rd exercise) quickly drink some of your intra-workout drink and immediately go again. I did this for 8 rounds so don’t go too heavy with your weight selection or you’ll never get all your reps.
Here is a video:
Hammer Strength Supinated Pulldowns
I normally do each arm independent, but did both at the same time today to speed things up since Christina and I were alternating - FYI.
Supinated Pulldowns x 7 sets of 7 reps with 2 plates each side.
*The key aside from short rest breaks is to hold the contraction briefly and control the eccentric. What I mean is after briefly holding the contraction at the bottom, maintain that same contraction of your back as you extend your arms back out. It’s a small thing that makes a big difference.
Barbell Pause Reps Curls
I picked up this training technique over a year ago from a T-Nation article - FYI.
Barbell Pause Rep Curls x 8 sets of 8 reps with 50lbs
*The key is to sit on a bench and allow the barbell to rest on your thighs for a one second count before curling the weight up as explosively as possible. Flex briefly at the top. Take only 15 second rest breaks between all 8 sets.
Here is a video from a previous workout in which I used a cable set-up:
That concluded this back and biceps workout.
Train hard!
Chest and shoulders
Abs traps foream calves
What do you think?
Thank you very much.
I'm not very dogmatic in terms of training splits - you need to find what works for you and fits your schedule. I will say that the longer I've trained the more I'm convinced that increased training frequency is better for muscle growth and body composition. What I mean is I'd rather hit a body part multiple times in a week, even if the workouts are 45 minutes, than hit a body part once per week for a longer session. I hope that makes sense. I see nothing wrong with your split, but if you have plenty of time you might consider adding additional training sessions for back, chest and/or legs.
All the best,