The following details my back and biceps workout from this past Monday at Kirkland Gold’s Gym.  I had to get my daughter to a school function so I knocked out this training session in less than an hour, but wow did it ever destroy my back!  Here is the workout...

Back Circuit: MAG Pulldowns - MAG Seated Pulley Rows - Cable Pullovers


I used this MAG Medium Neutral Grip attachement for the pulldowns:


I used this MAG Close Grip Supinate attachement for the pulley rows:


I did a couple warm-up sets first - FYI.


MAG Medium Neutral Grip Pulldowns x 8 reps with 140lbs

Immediately followed by…

MAG Close Grip Supinate x 8 reps with 160lbs

Immediately followed by…

Cable Pullovers x 8 reps with 90lbs

Immediately repeat…


*I used the MAG attachments because they don’t require lifting straps and therefore I can move quickly between exercises.  After the pullovers (3rd exercise) quickly drink some of your intra-workout drink and immediately go again.  I did this for 8 rounds so don’t go too heavy with your weight selection or you’ll never get all your reps.


Here is a video:




Hammer Strength Supinated Pulldowns


I normally do each arm independent, but did both at the same time today to speed things up since Christina and I were alternating - FYI.


Supinated Pulldowns x 7 sets of 7 reps with 2 plates each side.


*The key aside from short rest breaks is to hold the contraction briefly and control the eccentric.  What I mean is after briefly holding the contraction at the bottom, maintain that same contraction of your back as you extend your arms back out.  It’s a small thing that makes a big difference.


Barbell Pause Reps Curls


I picked up this training technique over a year ago from a T-Nation article - FYI.


Barbell Pause Rep Curls x 8 sets of 8 reps with 50lbs


*The key is to sit on a bench and allow the barbell to rest on your thighs for a one second count before curling the weight up as explosively as possible.  Flex briefly at the top.  Take only 15 second rest breaks between all 8 sets.


Here is a video from a previous workout in which I used a cable set-up:




That concluded this back and biceps workout.


Train hard!
