After sustaining multiple low back issues the past year, and coming off a terrible showing at the XPC Bench Bash, I'm now focused on training to improve my body and mind as I prepare for my wedding in June. I hope to be back on the platform towards the end of 2018.

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I managed to get in some light squat work with the SSB. I used the box and just really worked on time under tension by using some rest/pause work. Overall it felt rather good, but I'm just trying to get the feel for things and mix things up. I still don't want to go heavy yet and have a lot more to keep working on.

Items Used in this Training Session
SS Yoke Bar
Box Squat Box
Blast Straps

Warm Up

A1) Band Leg Curls

B1) SSB Box Squats
*Each set had a 6 second rest/pause.*

C1) Assisted Pistol Squat
3x12 per leg

D1) TK Goblet Squats

E1) Single Leg RDL
3x15 per leg
E2) Blast Strap Stir the Pot