I'm currently training for the 2019 USPA Nationals in Columbus, Ohio. After dropping a couple weight classes, this meet will be second showing at 198 and real return to raw powerlifting after a couple years wearing gear. 

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Really good training session, likely the heaviest bench session of this cycle. The plan was to work up to ~95% x 1, which was supposed to be 425-435.

Bench - 435 was easy, so went to 455. I won't say it was easy, but it moved very clean and felt smooth all the way through. Best part was that my pec didn't hurt at all.  The last time I pressed this much raw I weighed 250 pounds. Sneaking up on a big bench soon.

Admittedly, the pec is a little irritated today, but still feels pretty good. Careful monitoring of it and I should be fine.

Paused Close Grip Incline - 275 x 3 x 3. Did these to a 1-board bench block to protect my upper body. No pain at all, just wanted to limit the end range of motion.

DB Bench - 85 x 3 x 15

Machine Chest Supported Row- Double green band x 4 x 10. I've got quite the contraption for how I set this up with an adjustable bench, swiss bar and a rack. Worked surprisingly well.

Swiss Bar tricep extension to pins - 115, 135, 135, 135 x 8

Strict Dumbbell Tricep Extension - 30 x 3 x 20
