I've liked the benefits the yoke is giving me with my tightness and general stability. Today my goal was to get to over 600 on the yoke.


Yoke walks - 1 trip is 90 feet

empty yoke 2 trips

400 - 2 trips

580 - 1/2 trip - I couldn't stabilize the weight at all and set it down. I did it last week and it was difficult but nothing like today. My only guess is that I took too big of a jump and wasn't ready for it.

400 - 2 trips


belt squats

180 for 3 sets of 15 reps


back attack machine

135 for 3 sets of 20


hanging leg raises

3 sets of 15 holding a 6-pound medicine ball with feet.


The yoke really shocked me today. I wasn't expecting it to be easy but it wouldn't have been smart for me to continue with how unstable I was. I'll give it a break and try it again in a few weeks.