Thurs, 23 May 19

Block 3, Week 5, Day 2 - ME SQ

The only squatting I've done recently is zerchers out of the rack a few weeks ago.  This is because I was focusing my training on deads in preparation for USS Nats before I came to the realization I won't be able to make it to that comp this year (for a variety of reasons).  So I should have expected the travesty of squatting that occurred in my basement today.  That still doesn't make me any happier about it though.

SS Yoke Bar Box Squats




2x3x335 - Repeated because I didn't like the first set.


1x425 - Either wussed out or sat back too far on the second rep, probably a combo of both.

3x425 - Rough

1x455 - Total garbage

1x385 - Felt a rib or vertebrae shift in my upper back coming up on the 1st rep so I stopped the set.

5x355 - Just like snowflakes, no 2 reps were the same so I stopped squatting here.

Sumo DL/Band Assist Home GHRs


5x225/10xBW minus mini band

2x{10x315/10xBW minus micro mini band}

The back of my right knee was increasingly bothering me on each rep of GHRs during my second work set so I just stopped everything here.  Today was a shit training day, but it's the first one I've had in a couple months so I'll take the bad with the good and be strong(er) next time moving forward.
