I threw my hat into the ring. The ring threw it back with a rock in it.

I am going to compete this June In Brantford, Ontario at the RPS Canadian Nations in bench only. Some injury issues are preventing me from competing full power.

That being said my bench has felt like shit lately haha.

I jumped in my shirt to remember how to use it. I didn't


bar x 10
135 x 8. I was moving the bar all around trying to find the correct position that didn't feel like death on my shoulders. It was not found
185 x 5. Same as 135
225 x 5. Less pain
275 x 3
315 x 3
365 x 1. Kinda. I added the shirt here. I didn't have it on enough and as soon as the guys let the weight down, my shoulders were screaming.
405 x 1. Worked my shirt on more and could get this down to almost touch
455 x 1. Worked the shirt even more. Touched and pressed no problem
515 x 0 x 2. The first attempt, I let the shirt ride way up and had nothing out of the whole. Second attempt wasn't even really an attempt. As soon as the bar was in my hands it caused so much pain I almost dropped it. The bar went right back into the rack.

I will be focusing on upper body pain maintenance for the next few weeks as I prepare for the meet!