Mon, 5 Mar 18

Heavy Upper @ ISCF

I chose to do my axle split jerks today off boxes rather than cleaning them first.  This led to another in a series of reminders that I don't get into as tight/good of a rack position when I pick it off of boxes as I do when I clean it first.  You can see this in my reaction to a stupid miss forward with 310 in the 4th video.  Oh well, I was able to work on some breathing changes to help my bracing and I made myself do conditioning at the end so overall not bad.

Axle Split Jerks (off boxes)

complex x 20

complex x 70

complex x 120




1x260 - This was the first set that felt good.



0x310 - Very annoying.


Videos in order are 260, 280, 300, 310, down set with 270.

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Despite not having my first class this morning, I was still rushed during training so I'm just going to always assume I'll only be able to hit the highlights when I train my main upper day on Monday and I'll just have to try to make up the assistance work later in the week if my schedule allows.

Meadows Rows/Crazy DB Strict Press

10ea x 60/---

10ea x 95/15ea x 20

15ea x 75/15ea x 40

15ea x 75/---

Airbike Tabata

Not the conditioning I wanted today, but it was the conditioning I deserved.  It is literally the fastest way for me to get it done - 4 minutes with no setup or cleanup to do.  It was also easier than last time, probably because I hadn't just finished deadlifting and good morninging.