The last couple of weeks have been a whirl wind of well....absolutely nothing for me. After my meet I needed not just a physical break but a mental break as well. In all of my years of competitive powerlifting, I don't think I have ever felt as beat up and broken as I did after this meet. I really needed some extra time to heal up and completely take some time out of the gym.
What I mean by time out of the gym, I meant for my self training. Not physically out of the gym. I still have my coaching duties to do. Off season training for my team is in full swing. We have around 8-10 weeks of off season training to get in before our next training cycle begins for the next meet.
Allot is going on at Team Nebobarbell right now. We have gotten some more plates, added a couple more machines and are in the process of buying another monolift. We have also added a couple of new members and had a couple of old ones return. We now currently have 9 active female lifters on our roster in which I am very happy about.
Something that has excited me the most is that we will have 3 new multiply lifters training in the off season (Melissa, Shelly, Dillon) learning how to use gear in preparation for the next meet we do in March 2019. This excites me very much because I want to continue to grow our multiply geared lifters at Team Nebobarbell. One day I want everyone at Team Nebobarbell to be training in multiply and our gym would be full of gear whores. But.... we have rule at our gym before something like this can happen. That rule is this and it will always remain so: to train and compete in multiply gear, you must attain an open elite raw full power total. It is important to me that my lifters have a base raw strength. I be damned if I am going to have grown men in my gym benching 315 in a bench shirt. Too many times in my career I have seen lifters get introduced to multiply lifting too soon and are not ready for it and then become too reliant on gear because frankly their raw power sucks.
Next week I will slowly introduce my body back into lifting some weights again.