I'm just now getting my head above water. My job has had me twisted up over the past week and a half. Hiring new employees, training them and working double shifts has put me way behind here as of late it seems with everything. I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel....

Today was leg day. A leg day from hell for me. This will be the most volume I have done in almost 2 years. Im ready though. These will be deep raw paused squats. Every rep in the basement. Every rep a full paused rep. Every rep sucking....

I really need to get my quads back to where they were and these help me due to my close raw stance I use. My raw squat is really moving. Last week I squatted a smooth 700 raw with wraps and a belt. I'm not 100 percent but im feeling stronger than I have in a long time.

This will be a 100 rep session on squats and a 500 total rep day for legs. Lets begin....
I don't count warm-ups on the squat if your counting.

BB Squats
raw, close stance, belt, paused reps

1 x bar - 10
1 x 135 - 10
1 x 235 - 10
1 x 235 - 10
1 x 235 - 10
1 x 235 - 10
1 x 235 - 10
1 x 235 - 10
1 x 235 - 10
1 x 235 - 10
1 x 235 - 10
1 x 235 - 10

Hack Squat

100 total reps

DB Lunges

100 total reps using 50# db's

Goblet Squats wide stance

100 total reps


100 total reps


The old man dressed in black tonight for my daughter's sports banquet....

The old man cleaning up for my daughters sports banquet tonight....