Finally some real training has started for me! It feels like it has been a year since I have actually lifted some real weight but its only been a few weeks. As I had said in one of my earlier posts my body needed some recuperation time. Three meets in the past twelve months at the age of 44 years old is beating my old ass up, so a break is just what the body needed.

Besides my training today I worked with my three new multiply gear whores at Team Nebobarbell on how to bench in a bench shirt. The last couple of weeks have went pretty good and today went even better. I'm trying to get a feel for what they can handle, what they can control, what they can touch with and what they can press back up. Right now we are doing about eight to ten sets in the shirt which is what they need. Practice + reps equals = faster learning.

Dillon and Shelley both have older broke in shirts that I have acquired which definatley makes things easier. Breaking in a new bench shirt is like breaking in a new baseball mitt or new basket ball shoes in. It's going to take some time and lots of reps. Melissa's shirt on the other hand is brand spanking new shirt and is what us veteran lifters would call a very advanced shirt for a rookie to learn in. The shirt is awesome and was sent to Melissa personally by a very prominent female powerlifter in our sport which was pretty damn awesome to say the least. This new shirt is not broken in and it is tearing her ass up. She is actually doing pretty good in it. Some lifters would probably not be able to handle this advanced shirt right out of the gait, but I know Lil momma and she is stubborn as hell and very dedicated. She is making tremendous strides with every rep and set she takes.

I worked all three of them to a three board, a two board, a one board and a half board today. No lifts were missed and I think confidence was achieved by all of them. All in all a very good day for each of my lifters in their multiply gear.

Here's what I did today for my training:

Seated Chest Press

5 x 10

Pec Dec

5 x 10

OHP Machine

5 x 10

Tate Presses

5 x 20

Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs

5 x 10

Seated Cable Machine Rows

5 x 10

BB Shrugs

5 x 20
