Ahhh, the dreaded deload week!
Yes we take deloads. Some of us choose to do the things that work well for us instead of being sheep and following the heard. I know my body better than anyone. Imagine that!
This week consists of alot of rest, Team Nebobarbell Body Buffering, Body Tempering, Stretching alot, Contrast Showers, Percussion Therapy, Icing elbows, Cupping and all kinds of other needed recovery things to bring this old body back to life in preparation for our 12 week training cycle.
Remember: Do what works for you. Train smart. Train hard. Eat properly. Hydrate. And most importantly get rest and recover. F*$k what the know it alls what you to believe. They will always claim there is only 3 spots left but I assure you they need your money more that you need their copied template of shit. Us older lifters are older and still here for a reason. Remember that....
Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Believe in yourself!