What can I say. Jiujitsu has consumed me as of late. I have stabilized my consistency to 4x a week and I am scouting for a tournament early next year - exciting!
At this point I am actually not sure at all what my weight is. I haven't weighed myself in over 5 months so I could be heavier or lighter than I am used to. Need to invest in a good scale so that I can keeo tabs. Unfortunately IBJJF rules include a same-day weighin, and I would have to weigh myself IN my gi...which means I don't have too much room for error. Maybe have to lighten up on the cupcakes. 🙁
I am canceling my regular gym membership this week, actually. The MMA gym I frequent actually has a good weight room that I can use, and my condo gym has some things I can use in a pinch. It'll save me another $70 a month I haven't been utilizing because I can never find my way to a commercial gym. If I could drive and had a car it would be different...that is next on the agenda. But at least this weightroom at the MMA gym has racks, bars, bumper plates, DBs, sleds, and a GHR. Not tok shabby.