This was my second trip to the Olympia for the Deathlift only competition. Last year I went in for fun and pulled conventional. This year I took it a little more serious and pulled sumo while in single ply gear(required). I was able to walk away with a big single ply PR and a great experience with my supplement sponsor NuBreed.
Deathlift: I weighed in at 270lbs
Last Warm Up: 650x1
Opener 735ish
*this opener is what I finished with last year I believe
2nd attempt: 804(Big PR)
3rd attempt: 821ish
*the bar kept rolling away from my right foot, after about three times of it rolling away I got frustrated and pulled it out of position and barely moved it
*I ended up second in my class to a 814lbs pull and I had the third highest pull of the day. The overall winner was Sean Green with a 843lb pull at 220lbs, damn impressive!
My competition was on Friday but I was in Vegas from Wed-Sun. The rest of my time in Vegas was spent with my supplement sponsor NuBreed Nutrition. My time was spent with the President and the CEO of the company. Since they did not get a booth this year they spent all their days in meetings with current and potential clients and distributors. We also traveled to supplement stores in Vegas as well to set up deals and what not. Oh did I mention I got to go to a cocktail party Thursday night lol. The guys said dress casual, then they showed up downstairs at the hotel in button downs, you sons a bitches! So I was there in a T-Shirt and jeans sticking out like a whore in church. But on the plus side the party was for distributors and supplement companies. I had two people come up to me that recognized my NuBreed shirt that were customers of Nubreed. Had I not worn that shirt the Prez and the CEO would not have met these people. So standing out isn't always bad lol. Over the long weekend I got to see the business side of the supplement company. I learned how hard the daily grind was, all the money they have to sink into it, the struggle and the hustle, and all the shadiness that the supplement company is riddled with. This is a side of being a sponsored athlete that you just don't see, and because of this most of us at some point take things for granite. This experience completely opened my eyes and I have so much more respect and gratitude towards all my sponsors. I highly recommend that if you get the opportunity to take part in something like this with your current sponsors then do it.
Thank you so much to my Sponsors Elitefts, Nubreed Nutrtion, and Metroflex Gym Fargo. Also to my wife Kathy and my Team at Edgar's House of Pain. As well as Thomas Kemper and Ed May. I could not have done this without the help of you all!
I chose this picture because because I was getting snap chatted all weekend. I didn't even know what the hell it was before this weekend, but every time I went on a rant they started filming me without me know it, Jerks!