When life pushes us, sometimes we have to learn not to fight back. It helps to turn the other cheek and take circumstances as they come, so that we can better learn from them.

I feel like I am finally in a better place this week compared to the last several. My diet and training has really been quite off, but it is coming back together! This whole month I have been working almost 7 days a week, so finding the time to train and even prepping food has definitely been more challenging. But I am getting up earlier and resuming my early morning training. During my brief hiatus, I have been focusing a lot more on improving other areas of my life outside the gym, and putting effort into the areas that have gone on the back burner the last 6ish years. Even simple things like my relationships/friendships, family, school, reading, etc.

I am still training of course, but the first thing on my mind has been making sure that I am mentally in a good place. Because if the mental aspect is gone, that's half the game...and powerlifting is SO much about your mental game! I need to be strong there before I can have that translate into my gym performance. I think we all know this feeling in some capacity.

That said, the next two months are going to be "catch-up" months, and at the same time making space for other fitness avenues...BJJ, mobility, sports-focused training, etc. to give myself a bit of a mental break. Come August, I will begin my prep for Lexen in Ohio to re-qualify for the Arnold. 🙂

Thank you everyone for all your support during this tough time. Things always look up if you don't give up!