Sat, 28 Oct 17

Event Training @ Project Sixkiller

Brute was hosting a powerlifting meet today, but fortunately the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area has so many awesome places to train so I made the trip over to Project Sixkiller Performance to hit up some events.  This was my first trip there and it is a solid place to train.  It is very similar to Iron Strong Crossfit back at home in Salisbury, except a little smaller and without the crossfit aspect, so mostly geared toward PL and SM.  They've got a good amount of strongman implements including yokes, farmer's handles, kegs, a tire, stones, a log, and more, plus a couple of 3x3 racks and some other equipment from the one and only EliteFTS, which is honestly how I judge the quality of a gym - by the presence of lack thereof of EliteFTS products.

Log C&J (clean once)

complex x 60

complex x 110




1x270 - Cake


The last set was an ugly duckling.  Just doing it made me cringe at how wobbly it was, which it didn't need to be at all based on how smooth 270 was, but I got in my own head about the clean since 290 is the heaviest I've cleaned since I hurt my biceps and then I lost my air and did a little dance, but I locked it out so I was happy to come away in one piece without damaging myself or putting the log through the wall behind me.  I need to do more work on cleans.

Keg Carry and Load

6x{40' x 230 to 31"} - Fast carry down, then slow carry back to the starting line.

after this I ditched the carry and just worked on keg loads to a platform

1x300 to 31"

1x300 to 38"

1x300 to 41"

Happy with all this for today.  I should find out my weekend work schedule this coming week and then I'll know if I can sign up for the strongman comp I'm looking at in Richmond.