Sat, 27 Jan 18

Events @ the Unit

Today was the best event training day I've had at the Unit in a couple years or so.  I've had better days, but it's always when I train somewhere else like Brute Strength Gym, Iron Athletics, Colosseum, Georgetown, RMU, etc.  I did everything I had planned for today plus I actually wanted to push the prowler at the end for conditioning, so I did.  That's a good barometer for me to know if it was a good or bad training day - whether I want to push the prowler.  I may not always be able to due to time constraints or other nonsense, but if I don't even want to then there's a pretty good chance training sucked that day.

Circus DB C&P

band warmup with mini, light, and avg

4x5x115 - 1st and 3rd sets were all right arm, 2nd and 4th sets were all left arm.


2x6x145 - Video


All weights were first set right side, second set left side.  The goal today was increasing volume without using belt or wrist wraps.  Last time I did CDB I was doing sets of 6x with 3 reps per arm, so today I pretty much doubled my volume from that and the sets of 10x at the end were just to give myself a little challenge because my breathing sucks the hind teat right now.

Farmer's Walk

2x100' x 110

100' x 220

100' x 270

100' x 320 - Video

100' x 220

Did this for a straight shot today with unbreakable grip strength.  This is the best farmer's has felt in a long time, but as you can see from the video, I was walking pretty much straight up and down so a little forward lean would definitely help me with increasing my speed.

Atlas Stone Series (to 52" platform)

4x{1x200, 1x240, 1x280} - Video of 2nd set

All tackyless and tapeless.  After the 1st set I one-motioned the first two stones.  I had a little trouble with my picks at first because my hammies are still screaming at me every time I bend over, due to the training I did with Dave at Georgetown on Thursday, but they got smoother and faster with each successive set.


2x60' x prowler + 90

6x80' x prowler + 90

2x100' x prowler + 90

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