NBD, the title kind of speaks for itself.  This squat day was AMAZING, oh my goodness.  I got super lucky because one of my teammates was deloading and wrapped my knees for all of my sets, hehe I was spoiled, whatever.  That, and using the mono, clearly made all of the difference.  I got 320x9 on my 5th Set, which is something I have never ever done, yay!  I also may or may not have actually peed on the platform, oops.  Judge me.  This prep is going soooooo good, I'm extremely excited for my meet in California.

Squats: 320x4x2 1x9

Pause Squats: 205x2x5

BB Rows: 95x12 & 165x12

Shrugs: 165x12 & 210x12

Glute Ham Raises: 4x5