Wed, 9 Jan 18


I have basically never used knee wraps despite having about 4-5 pairs of them.  The couple times I have tried to squat in them, I lost the feeling in my lower legs before I even unracked the bar which felt pretty dangerous, especially with walking it out.  So I finally broke down and bought a pair of EliteFTS normal knee wraps, which I equate to a training bra.  If I want to use the various crazy tight, super rebound ones I have, then I need to learn how to wrap quickly and efficiently and build up my tolerance to them and acclimate to  the feeling of 2 boa constrictors wrapped around my knees.  So my squats weren't record breaking by any means, but I did feel like I got some good practice in with wrapping and squatting in wraps.

Box Squat




2x3x325 - Added wraps on second set


3x415 - Super fast motion video is of this set.


20x235 - No wraps, first 20 repper in a long time.

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RFE Split Squats/Jump Rope/Hypers

10ea x BW/100 jumps/20xBW

2x{15ea x BW/100 jumps/20xBW}

That was all I had time for since I was training before work today.