11/25 - Back

Trained at Gold's Gym in Milford, MA while visiting my girlfriend's family and I was pleasantly surprised to see how well equipped it was. Several EliteFTS racks, heavy DB's and KB's, GHR, SSB, bands/chains, and a few oddball machines I haven't seen anywhere. It's nice to know that a decent gym's near her parents place if I'm ever in the need to train up there again.

Wide Grip Neutral Chins
5x5 up to BW+3 chains, whatever they weigh.

Single Arm Hammer Strength BTN Pulldowns
4x15, 3-1-0 tempo. Never seen this machine before - it felt awesome.

Dead Stop DB Rows
130's x 10
140's x 8
140's x 8
150's x 8 R, 6 L. Fuck, now I'm asymmetrical!

Barbell Rows from Pins
265 4x10, did these DOH and strapless to blast my grip and forearms

Pronated Rear DB Laterals

Band Pullaparts

Pulldown Abs - 4x10
Hanging Leg Raises - 4x15 controlled negatives