The following details my primary back & biceps workout from last night at Kirkland Gold’s Gym.  The workout was designed by my coach, John Meadows, and I trained with Christina.  Here is the workout…


Bilateral Dumbbell Rows


John called for kettlebell rows, but Gold’s doesn’t have matching pairs of kettlebells so I opted for dumbbells.  Either will work for this exercise – FYI.


Set 1 x 8 reps with 35lbs (warm-up)

Set 2 x 8 reps with 45lbs (warm-up)

Set 3 x 8 reps with 55lbs (warm-up)

Set 4 x 8 reps with 65lbs

Set 5 x 8 reps with 65lbs

Set 6 x 8 reps with 65lbs

Set 7 x 8 reps with 65lbs -> drop to 55lbs x 8 reps -> drop to 45lbs x 8 reps


*The key here is to really tense your lats and keep a lot of tension on them as you row both dumbbells at the same time (bilaterally).  Maintain your hands in a neutral position and focus on getting your elbows up high and flex your lats.  Finish with a drop set on your last set.


Wide Grip Pulldowns


Set 1 x 8 reps with 170lbs

Set 2 x 8 reps with 180lbs

Set 3 x 8 reps with 190lbs


*Use a wide, neutral grip hand position and focus on using perfect form.  Muscle the weight down into the contracted position vs. using momentum.


Seated Pulley Rows


Set 1 x 6 reps with 230lbs

Set 2 x 6 reps with 240lbs

Set 3 x 6 reps with 250lbs

Set 4 x 6 reps with 250lbs


*Maintain perfect form even though the reps are lower.  I used a medium-wide, overhand grip.


Cable Pullovers


John called for standard dumbbell pullovers, but I wanted a change so I did them with a low cable pulley.


Set 1 x 12 reps with 120lbs

Set 2 x 12 reps with 120lbs

Set 3 x 12 reps with 120lbs


*If doing this version of a pullover be sure to focus on a longer range of motion than when using a dumbbell.  Normally I don’t like bringing a dumbbell too far up as the pecs activate via the force of gravity on the dumbbell.  In this case the cable is pulling the weight back and so the tension remains on the lats.


Here is a video:




Biceps Tri-Set: EZ Bar, Standing Dumbbell & Reverse EZ Bar Curls


EZ Bar Curls x 8 reps with 70lbs

Immediately followed by…

Dumbbell Curls x 8 reps with 25lbs

Immediately followed by…

Reverse EZ Bar Curls x 8 reps with 40lbs


*Perform the tri-set for a total of 3 rounds.  Flex hard in the contracted position on all exercises.  Lower the weight with a 2 second eccentric on the dumbbell curls and keep your palms facing up the entire time.  These will burn!


Close Grip Supinated Chins


Set 1 x 10 reps with 50lbs assistance


*I used the cheater machine for this exercise.  Focus on pulling with your biceps more than your back and hold in the contracted position at the top flexing your biceps as hard as possible for 1 second before lowering on each rep.  Just 1 working set.


That concluded this primary back and biceps workout.


Train hard!
