Here is the primary leg workout that I performed on Monday night at Kirkland Gold’s Gym.  This workout was designed by my coach, John Meadows, with a few slight modifications by me.


Lying Leg Curls


Set 1 x 15 reps with 50lbs (warm-up)

Set 2 x 15 reps with 60lbs (warm-up)

Set 3 x 15 reps with 70lbs (warm-up)

Sets 4 thru 7 x 10 reps (1.5’s) with 95lbs


*The key here is to lower the weight, bring it up a few inches, lower it back down and then come up all the way.  That counts as 1 rep, so do 10 like this on each set.  The first one will be easy, but the last will have your hamstrings on fire!  4 total working sets.


Here is a video:



Reverse Banded Hack Squats


This is the band I used:  I substituted this exercise for barbell squats.


Set 1 x 6 reps with 2 plates each side

Set 2 x 6 reps with 2 plates + 25’s each side

Set 3 x 6 reps with 3 plates each side

Set 4 x 6 reps with 3 plates + 25’s each side

Set 5 x 6 reps with 4 plates each side

Set 6 x 6 reps with 4 plates + 25’s each side

Set 7 x 6 reps with 5 plates each side

Set 8 x 6 reps with 5 plates + 25’s each side

Set 9 x 6 reps with 6 plates each side


*The idea here is to work up in weight performing sets of 6 reps.  Go up in weight until you feel another jump in weight and you wouldn’t get 6 reps.  I counted the last 3 as working sets.


Leg Press


Sets 1 thru 4 x 15 reps with 5 plates each side


*The key here is to pump the reps out and take no more than a 1 one rest break between each set.


Leg Extensions


Set 1 x 8 reps with 170lbs (feeder set)

Set 2 x 8 reps with 220lbs

Set 3 x 8 reps with 235lbs

Set 4 x 8 reps with 250lbs -> drop to 205lbs x 8 reps -> drop to 160lbs x 8 reps -> drop to 130lbs x 14 reps (failure)


*After a feeder set do heavy sets of 8 reps with a 1 second hold in the contracted position.  On your final set perform a massive drop set and go to failure on the 3rd drop.


Cable Pull Throughs/Stiff Legged Deads


Sets 1 thru 3 x 8 reps with 190lbs


*Face away from the weight stack and grab the lower cable.  Hinge at the waist and pull the handle between your legs as you come up and contract the glutes and hamstrings.


That concluded this leg workout.


Train hard!
