After sustaining multiple low back issues the past year, and coming off a terrible showing at the XPC Bench Bash, I'm now I can do what's best for my body. I've recently opened up a new training facility, THIRST, so I'm trying to balance life and training the best I can, with hopes that I can compete in some capacity by the end of 2018.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email or visit

This particular Friday night, I had to make it a quick training session as I had to go pick up my wife from dropping her car off at the shop to be worked on the next morning. I basically just opted to go hard on the Pit Shark, and just dial in some stuff I need to keep working on and called it there. Would have loved to do a bit more, but it is what it is for the day.

Items Used in this Training Session

Warm Up
Tons of PRI Based Stuff

A1) Seated Cable Leg Curls
3x15; then 2 drop sets

B1) Close Stance Belt Squats vs Band
Work up to a hard 20; then 3 drop sets

C1) Goblet Squats

D1) Single Leg RDL
3x15 per leg
D2) Sit Ups off GHR