*shoulder warm-ups


  • Bar x 25
  • 105 x 10 x 2
  • 145 x 10
  • 195 x 10
  • 235 x 18 - far ahead of where I was with my left shoulder surgery

Machine Bench

  • 137 x 20 x 2

DB Lateral

  • 20 x 25 x 2

Mini Band Pressdown

  • 100 reps per arm

Mini Band Static Holds

  • internal and external x 45 seconds x 3 sets

Lying External Rotations

  • micro mini x 30 x 2

TEE (Terminal Elbow Extension)

  • Doubled Light Band x 15 reps x 3

Today was a "light day", but I went heavier than planned because I was feeling good. I thought I'd give Mike a run for his money on reps since he lost count and only did 18 reps, but my 19th attempt I tried to heave up and it stalled at the top. I had to whisper to Cunha to take it. lol  You can hear Mike laughing at me in the video as I lay mouth breathing on the bench in defeat.

I did a lot of shoulder cuff work that I've been neglecting lately and can't do so. My discipline at doing these has fallen off and needs to be rectified.