Sun, 9 Apr 17

Block 11, Wave 2 - BP

I've only had a handful of migraines in my life and I do not know how people who get them all the time handle it.  When I've had them my symptoms have ranged from nausea, vomiting, and photophobia to rolling on the floor like a steaming pile of dookie and letting the universe hear my war cry at the top of my lungs because it's the only thing that makes the pain subside for a few seconds.  I'm extremely thankful I don't have to suffer through them often.  But I did get one this morning for no apparent reason.  I woke up feeling fine, but it gradually kicked in and strengthened as the morning went on.  I do not usually take pain killers, but I started to feel bad enough that I took some tylenol (the only thing I can take that I'm not allergic to) and drank some more coffee to bump up my caffeine levels.  Didn't help.  Standing became an exercise in vertigo, light was the worst kind of torture, and I did end up down on the floor trying to put pressure on my head in a way to ease the pain, but thankfully it didn't get to the point of making loud noises.  I also went in and gave my friend the toilet a warm hug for a bit, but my nausea did not reach the point of selling Buicks in the back yard.  By late afternoon I was feeling back to semi normal enough that I wanted to try and train since my schedule this week is changing and I have my last midterm exam so yet again Sunday training is a better option than trying to squeeze too much into not enough time later in the week.  I was ready, willing, and able to stop at any time if my headache started coming back, but fortunately that was not a bridge I had to cross.

Scottish Tornadoes

3x5ea x monster mini

Definitely moving a little slower on these since this was the closest I came to having to stop for the sake of my noggin.

Bench Press








4x315 - I was planning on 3x3 here today, but my head said to cut the volume to make it through the whole workout.

Banded Axle Push Press (micro and mini in a basket setup)

6x70 + bands

3x110 + bands

2x3x130 + bands

4x3x145 + bands

Neutral Grip Cable Rows/Incline Alt Arm DB Skull Crushers (L,R,B=1)





Band Pullaparts/LB Planks

25x mini/60" x BW

2x{20x mini/60" x 25}