Sat, 22 Dec 18

Events @ ISCF

The new and improved Iron Strong CF is so damn awesome.  I need to get some pics and video posted of it.  The strength sports side now reminds me of the old S4 compound so I basically walk around half torked the whole time I'm there.  Good thing swamp shorts can tame even the feistiest of anacondas.


100' x 110

100' x 160

100' x 200

50' x 250

50' x 290

50' x 340 - Pic

I had the same nagging right Achilles tightness again in my warmups so I stopped and did some jump roping plus some calf raises holding the farmers handles.  Problem solved and the rest was gravy.  I moved pretty well with 340 so next time I go heavy I'll shoot for 350-360.

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Axle C&J (clean once)

complex x 25

complex x 75

complex x 115




I stopped at 225 because my L shoulder was feeling fatigued from the heavy farming prior.  Since the jerks were easy, I stopped doing them and just hit some cleans for extra work on my weakness.

Axle Power Cleans



10 runs of 80' x prowler + 90 - Finished in just over 10 min in a 2 man rotation with Cody.