Headed to the compound today ready to squat. Training broke down like this….
Stationary bike (3 minutes), band pull aparts, Indian club swings, and hip rotations
Box Squats – High box
Bar for a few
135 for 2 sets of 10
225 for 5 rep
315 for 5 reps
Put on Metal Pro briefs –these are a size or two too big and are loose on me
405 for 5 reps
495 for 3 reps
Deadlifts against quaded monster mini bands
135 for 2 singles
225 for 3 singles
2 sets of 12 reps with zero resistance
Back attack
1 plate for 10 reps
2 plates for 10 reps
3 plates for 3 sets of 10 reps
Inversion table
1 minute of inversion twice with 1 minutes upright in-between
I was pleased with the squats today. Everything felt good the only thing missing is a little speed. Form was solid. Progress….