1. Warm Up

  • Hip rotations, Indian Club swings, rolling, band pull aparts

2.  Squats

  • Wore Metal Ace squat suit over Metal Ace briefs – straps down
  • 664 x 1
  • 735 x 1
  • 780 x 1
  • 800 x 1 mis grooved and cut it way high
  • 800 x 1 got stapled

The first attempt at 800 I mis grooved and when I did I just cut it and came up. It didn’t really fell heavy but I knew it wasn’t headed in the right direction and came up. SO like an idiot I popped an ammonia tab and attempted it a second time. Well this time I grooved it right but got stapled just out of the hole and the spotters had to take it. I usually do pretty well with checking my ego but today it checked me. No injuries to me or the spotters. Reminder lesson learned…for good this time I hope. Thank you spotters!

3. Pulls Off Floor with DL bar

  • Speed Pulls – 315 for 6 sets 1 rep.

3. Reverse Hypers

  • 2 sets 10-12 reps with 190

5. Hanging Leg Raises

  • 2 sets to failure.