Thurs, 29 Apr 18
Speed Lower
I *almost* wish I hadn't put forth the time and effort into programming my next 3 months of training last week on my deload because my schedule is already in the toilet and it looks like it may be that way for the next 5 weeks until I finish up with classes. I say almost because I'd much rather have a solid plan that I have to modify than a crappy plan that I'm not happy with, but now I want to move training up in my order of life priorities and I keep getting shot down like a low flying duck by PT school.
I normally do cardio followed by stretching on 3 of my off days per week. Nothing fancy, just some low to moderate intensity intervals for 20-30 minutes. Why intervals? Because I get massively bored with low intensity steady state cardio. It puts me in a bad mood and makes me hate everything. So by changing LISS to even very low intensity intervals, it breaks up the monotony and makes it bearable.
This week by Thursday I had only done two days of cardio + stretching and one day of training. Theoretically I still had 4 days, 3 training and 1 recovery, to squeeze into the last 3 days of the week (I consider Saturday the end of my training week and Sunday the start of the new one). My brilliant solution was to do my last cardio day in the morning and my second training day in the afternoon. I got it done, but I may have felt somewhat crappier during my lower body training than I otherwise would have. It was hard to tell though since it was the first speed lower day of a new block of programming.
Box Jumps
3x5xBW to 30" - Keeping it nice and easy and just focusing on technique at first since I haven't done any jumping in a while.
Banded DL (short light bands)
10x45 - No bands
4x45 - Added bands and this felt stupidly heavy.
2x2x270 - This felt really slow and heavy, even with adding my belt for the second set so I dropped the weight back down in order to be actually moving faster. I hope this was just because of doing training a few hours after cardio.
SS Yoke Bar Box Squats
The end of all 3 work sets felt like I was probably getting into some crappy positions and I may have very minorly strained the left lower part of my transverse abdominis.
Zercher Bulgarian Split Squats/Back Extensions/Single Leg Calf Raise
8ea x 70/15x45/30ea x BW
8ea x 90/15x45/30ea x BW