After having a year away from the platform and a terrible showing at the 2018 XPC Bench Bash, I'm gearing back up for a multiply bench only competition, the APF Pressing the Pieces Together on April 27th, 2019. This meet helps bring awareness and charity donations for Autism Awareness. I'm looking to compete at 132lbs and just have a good meet back, while running my new gym, THIRST, and rehabbing my low back issues.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email or visit

This particular lower body training session was more about just getting some solid work in and cranking out some good single leg work. I'm trying to drift away from training my legs on Friday's so that I can be as fresh as possible when I bench press on Saturday's. The belt squat work was a nice finishing touch for things.

Items Used in this Training Session

Warm Up
Tons of PRI Based Stuff


B1) SSB Bulgarian Split Squats
Worked up to 125x10 per leg

C1) SSB Box Squats

D1) TKE Goblet Squats
3x12; with a drop set of the band each set

E1) Med Ball Good Mornings on the Belt Squat
E2) Belt Squat Marching with Med Ball
3x30 sec