This week I wrapped up the semester for my programming clients from Akron Barbell Club. I worked with a group of 9 lifters over the course of 16 weeks. We re-tested maxes after the first 9 weeks and then did a training cycle going into one of two competitions at the end of the semester (USAPL Battle of the Great Lakes & UPA Old School Iron Spring Meet) for those that wanted to compete.
I sent them programming in 3-week blocks, adjusting the movements and organization as I got feedback and saw video of their lifts. We started off with more lift variations and volume, and then got more specific and raised intensity as the meets/test days got closer. The amount of the progress many of them made was truly remarkable, and much of this was due to their willingness to improve their technique. I reviewed their lift videos and gave feedback and adjustments accordingly, and as a whole they did a great job taking critique and making the necessary improvements. My good friend and Akron Barbell Club President Mario D'Amico did a great job in helping the team members with their training whenever he was able to, and handling them at their competitions.
Over the course of the semester as a group they amassed over 600lbs worth of PRs, and 3 of them (Chris, Nick, and Andrew) competed for the very first time! (and did extremely well). You can see their incredible progress below:
This is just the beginning for these guys and girls, they've made a ton of progress, but only have begun to tap into their potential. As they continue to improve their technique, learn more, work hard, and put time in as lifters, they'll only continue to grow smarter and Strong(er).
For Programming Contact Myself at
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