I'll bring this up one time because people out there are rehabbing from far worse injuries. I have not been able to shirt bench since November because of shoulder pain. I got an MRI recently and they found I had a partial tear in my rotator cuff(shoulder strain). I saw a PT and he thinks my supraspinatus is causing problems. You could say this is my first "injury" in powerlifting. Doc said it isn't bad enough for surgery but if I don't take care of it now it will get to that point. I will take 6-8 weeks to rehab, leaving me roughly 6-8 weeks to prep my bench for Relentless MN.

Shoulder Rehab: Workout #1

-T-Spine mobilization

-Shoulder stretch
*3 stretches involving bands and lacrosse ball

-Pendulum exercise

-Internal/external rotation
*with bands, rolled up wrist wrap between my side and elbow