After an abysmal showing at APF Equipped Nationals, I'm now in an off season mode of training. Currently, I am in a strength block building up strength and weaknesses to prepare me for a meet prep cycle for WPC World's in November.
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Wednesday's training was a super simple day at the rec with a lot of volume. I just went from exercise to exercise with minimal rest and just really tried to get the biggest pump I could. I felt great other than my hamstrings being pretty sore from the RDL's the day prior. After the training session the local froyo shop was having a special where you only paid $6 for all the froyo you could fit in your cup.
Items Used in this Training Session
Warm Up
Bike - 5 min
A1) GHH/Back Extension
B1) Close Stance Leg Press
C1) Seated Leg Curls
100 total reps
D1) Leg Extensions
100 total reps
E1) Seated Hip Abduction Machine
3x30 sec holds
F1) Seated Calf Raises
G1) Single Leg Seated Calf Machine
3 sets back and forth until it hurt to walk
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