Sat, 2 Mar 19

Events @ ISCF

I went to Iron Strong late on Saturday to train in the hopes of avoiding people.  Other than a couple of CFers doing 19.2 this went well.  I have much of a plan, but what I did felt like enough to justify saying I trained, but not enough to feel like a good day.

Yoke (drop and repick @ 35')

70' x 165

70' x 365

70' x 455

70' x 545

3x70' x 635

Going back after the repick felt super slow and I could feel myself slowing down each time.  Because of this I did not continue to increase the weight.  None of this really felt good.

Sandbag Carry (turns @ 40')

2x200+ feet x 200

I managed not to stop at the turns.  200' was not failure, but I also felt increasingly awful so it was good for today.  I also started getting a headache on my last couple sets of yoke and everything I was doing was making it worse.  Having given myself a couple of migraines from trying to push through headaches before, I ended training here while I could still drive home.